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Monday, February 17, 2014

Work set to start on Culpeper’s inner loop

Town of Culpeper:
“For months, crews have been moving utilities. Now Culpeper’s real traffic headache is about to begin. Actual construction on the town’s inner loop (Colonel Jameson Parkway) is scheduled to start Tuesday. For the next 270 days, motorists who normally travel the Old Rixeyville Road and the Sperryville Pike should be prepared to wait or take alternate routes…

When completed, the six-tenths-of-a-mile stretch of road will link Sperryville Pike, with a roundabout at Virginia Avenue, to North Main Street, with a roundabout at the Wendy’s restaurant. The latter roundabout, on which construction began before Christmas, is part of a VDOT project to widen North Main Street to four lanes all the way to the town limits. That job, awarded to the same contractor, is not scheduled for completion until August 2015.

Colonel Jameson Parkway is planned to be completed before the North Main Street project is done. Weather permitting, the inner loop will be ready by Thanksgiving. While the inner loop is being built to alleviate backups at the Main and Evans street stoplight, this summer’s Old Rixeyville Road closure will burden that intersection even more—as will construction at the North Main Street roundabout.”
~Writes Donnie Johnston of The Free Lance–Star

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