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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Supervisors Consider Western Bypass Public Hearing

Albemarle County
“The Western Bypass project could be back up for debate in front of the Albemarle County Supervisors. The board members are considering holding a public hearing controversial proposal. The bypass was considered by some to be a done deal. But the newly-elected Board of Supervisors are ready to hear what the public has to say about the controversial road.

In June 2011, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors changed its position to support the Western Bypass and funding was approved for construction not long after. But according to Albemarle County spokeswoman Lee Catlin, something new has popped up on the agenda. ‘An action item put on their February 5th agenda to consider holding a public hearing on the route 29 western bypass.’”
~Writes Jaclyn Piermarini of the Charlottesville Newsplex

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