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Sunday, February 9, 2014

Vienna Road Projects Take Step Forward

Town of Vienna:
“The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors last week approved $1.4 billion to fund transportation projects for FY 2015 to FY 2020. Among them were two road projects in Vienna, plus one transit project in the local area. In fall 2012, Fairfax County Department of Transportation (FCDOT) staff held nine public meetings countywide regarding county residents’ transportation needs. It also conducted an online survey.

With the passage of House Bill 2313 by the Virginia General Assembly in spring 2013, Fairfax County was designated to receive an infusion of state transportation dollars. So FCDOT held additional public meetings in fall 2013 to garner community input to prioritize the unfunded transportation projects residents had requested in 2012.

The Supervisors’ approval of these and other transportation-project priorities, last Tuesday, Jan. 28, culminated a nearly two-year outreach called the Countywide Dialogue on Transportation. The Board’s action will move many of these much-needed transportation improvements from the planning stage to the construction phase over the next six years.”
~Writes Bonnie Hobbs of The Connection

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