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Sunday, February 9, 2014

Vihstadt Acknowledges Election May Not Derail Streetcar Plan

Arlington County:
“Those seeking to position the upcoming County Board special election as a referendum on the Columbia Pike streetcar, Long Bridge Park aquatics center and other big-ticket government spending could conceivably win the battle but lose the war…

Support for the streetcar project on the County Board will be 3-1 in coming months, with Walter Tejada, Mary Hynes and Jay Fisette in support and Libby Garvey opposed. Chris Zimmerman, whose resignation has set the special election in motion, also was a booster of the project. Pro-streetcar forces got a boost in the recent Arlington County Democratic Committee caucus, which was won by Alan Howze, who supported – although not particularly forcefully – the streetcar project during the campaign. Adding in the votes of Peter Fallon, who also supported the project, and pro-streetcar candidates won 70 percent of the vote in the caucus, compared to 30 percent for Cord Thomas, whose focused much of his campaign on streetcar opposition.”
~Writes Scott McCaffrey of the Sun Gazette

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