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Friday, February 21, 2014

HRT shares maps of Norfolk light-rail extension options

City of Norfolk:
“Hampton Roads Transit has released highly conceptual maps showing several ways the city might extend light rail to Norfolk Naval Station. The transit agency on Wednesday announced three public workshops it will hold next week to gather feedback on the alignments.

The routes grew out of past public workshops and do not consider cost or potentially fatal flaws, such as right of way problems, so several may prove unfeasible after a closer look. The maps show paths running along most major north-south corridors in the city, including Hampton Boulevard, Colley Avenue, Church Street, Tidewater Drive and North Military Highway, past Norfolk International Airport.

Analysis of the routes has begun and will continue, with HRT planning to have recommendations by summer of two to four alignments to study further, said Julie Timm, the agency's transit development officer. The agency is still willing to consider corridors that have not yet been proposed, she added. As staffers whittle the options, they will give extra weight to those that receive the most support from the public, Timm said.”
~ Writes Cindy Clayton & Dave Forster of The Virginian-Pilot

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