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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Board of Supervisors OKs Roundabout

Fairfax County
“It’s a go for the controversial roundabout planned for construction at the Braddock/Pleasant Valley roads intersection next to Cox Farms in Centreville. Tuesday morning, Jan. 14, the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors endorsed Supervisor Michael R. Frey’s (R-Sully) motion of ‘no opposition’ to it, by an 8-2 vote…

Near the Fairfax/Loudoun border, that intersection regularly backs up at rush hour. So, at Loudoun’s urging, VDOT plans to build a 105-foot circle to move vehicles through there more quickly. The $4.1 million project is funded by Loudoun, state and federal money.

But many residents in nearby Centreville communities are adamantly opposed to it. Those living along Braddock and Pleasant Valley roads say they won’t be able to get out of their streets due to the steady stream of Loudoun drivers on both roads. They say a roundabout would dramatically favor Loudoun residents, to the detriment of Fairfax drivers.”
~Writes Bonnie Hobbs of The Connection

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