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Monday, February 17, 2014

460 Connector, CFX construction projects moving forward in SWVa.

Dickenson County:
“Tucked away in a valley high above Grassy Creek in Dickenson County, the region’s first cantilever bridges are taking shape, foot by balanced foot. When they are completed, the twin bridges, both 265 feet above the ground and 1,728 feet long, will be the highest in the state, and will help bring four lanes of roadway all the way from Virginia Beach into Kentucky.

The bridges, concrete giants stretching into the sky, will represent half of the U.S. 460 Connector, also called Corridor Q. Kentucky is continuing to work on its side of the road, too, so that the two projects are in sight of one another. The project — one of two construction projects that state officials say are needed to break the isolation of the coalfields region of Southwest Virginia and opponents say are just mining in disguise that will bypass local communities — is moving along in Buchanan, Dickenson and Wise counties.”
~Writes Allie Robinson Gibson of the Bristol Herald Courier

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