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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Western Bypass called into question by Federal Highways

Albemarle County:
“On the eve of a major public hearing on the U.S. 29 Western Bypass, the Federal Highway Administration has weighed in with a request to reevaluate the project’s need and to consider potential alternatives to alleviate congestion on U.S. 29 in Albemarle County.

In combination with expected action by the Albemarle Board of Supervisors to withdraw its support, construction of the Western Bypass in the near future now appears very unlikely. ‘Our legal counsel has advised us to reassess the purpose and need of the project in light of the changes in the Route 29 corridor that have occurred over the past 20 years to determine if it remains appropriate,’ wrote Irene Rico, a division administrator with the FHWA, in a Feb. 18 letter to the Virginia Department of Transportation.

VDOT has been working with the FHWA on revisions to an environmental assessment required to see if previous federal approvals were still valid. The FHWA last issued an approval, known as a ‘record of decision,’ in 2003.”
~ Sean Tubbs of Charlottesville Tomorrow

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