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Friday, February 28, 2014

Updates on HB 2

General Assembly:
“The House and Senate are taking similar approaches to HB 2 concerning development of a prioritization process for allocating funds for the Six-year Program. Though worded differently, House and Senate-endorsed language in the bill directs the Commonwealth Transportation Board to solicit input from localities, metropolitan planning organizations, transit authorities, transportation authorities and other stakeholders in development of this process, which is to be based on analysis that assigns “weights” for key factors like congestion mitigation, economic development, accessibility, safety and environmental quality. Elsewhere on the transportation front, HB 975 and SB 127 were signed by the governor this week. The bills repeal the $64 annual license tax on hybrid electric motor vehicles that was imposed beginning last July as part of the 2013 transportation package. The tax had been expected to generate nearly $10 million for highway maintenance by 2018. The House Transportation Committee has approved SB 97, which increases from two to three feet the minimum clearance between a passing vehicle and a bicycle or moped. The bill awaits a vote on the House floor next week.”

~ David Blount, TJPDC Legislative Liaison

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