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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Technology and Priority for Road Projects

General Assembly:
“This past week at the General Assembly, House Republicans pointed to legislation working its way through the legislature to promote greater use of technology, prioritize projects and using metric-based decision-making. Specifically, HB 2 as introduced, would have required each locality in a VDOT construction district to vote individually as to transportation priorities as to whether they prefer allocations for transportation projects that address congestion relief or that would promote economic development. The bill has been rewritten to have CTB cooperate with Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) in developing a prioritization process for allocating funds for the Six-year Program. It requires CTB and VDOT to develop and utilize a prioritization model for making determinations about all transportation projects. Stakeholders from various regions, including highway construction districts, MPOs and the CTB, will set “weights” for key factors like congestion mitigation, economic development, accessibility, safety and environmental quality. The House unanimously approved the bill on Friday. The House also has passed HB 1183, which creates the Virginia Transportation Solutions Working Group and authorizes it to advise the CTB on transportation policy, transportation innovation and technologies, and traffic congestion relief strategies, and HB 122, which directs the Secretary of Transportation and VDOT to create and implement statewide transportation technology goals and a five-year plan of action.”

~Writes David Blount, TJPDC Legislative Liaison

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