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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Cameras to be Installed along Emmet St. to Improve Traffic Flow

City of Charlottesville
“Charlottesville City Council on Monday approved the installation of cameras to keep an eye on traffic flow along Emmet Street, and many drivers say the extra eyes are worth a quicker commute… Council's solution to fix the backlog is the installation of InSync cameras from a private company called Rhythm Engineering. ‘There's the idea of timing, computerized timing, then this goes a step further,’ city councilor Kristin Szakos said.

The cameras will analyze traffic to improve the flow. In the city, the target is mostly on Emmet Street heading into Albemarle County's Route 29. The board of supervisors in the county will consider the cameras, too, as this is a joint venture among the city, county and Virginia Department of Transportation. ‘It actually analyzes the traffic coming in from side streets at different times of day to make sure the flow is working for all traffic, not only on the main street, but also what's coming in,’ Szakos said.

The intersection of Barracks Road and Emmet Street is among the places the cameras would be installed. They'll be perched on top of light poles.”
~Writes Chris Stover of the Charlottesville Newsplex

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