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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Transportation reform up for discussion

General Assembly
“If you’re in Northern Virginia, traffic congestion is probably your biggest road problem. If you’re in Southwest Virginia, congestion isn’t even on the radar screen, but economic development and safety is. Virginia’s different transportation districts would weigh those priorities differently to decide on road projects under legislation House Republicans are pushing in the House of Delegates.

During a Monday news conference, House Speaker Bill Howell, R–Stafford, said a focus on prioritizing road projects comes after last year’s transportation funding reform bill put more money into transportation. ‘Now that we have this new funding we need to be sure we spend it in the most effective, most efficient way,’ Howell said. A number of lawmakers—including Del. Mark Cole, R–Spotsylvania—had proposed legislation this session that would have dictated how the Commonwealth Transportation Board prioritizes road projects.”
~Writes Chelyen Davis of The Free Lance–Star

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