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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Safe Routes to School in Rockingham County

Rockingham County:
“Safe Routes to School (SRTS) projects have been completed at Mountain View Elementary in Rockingham County and Plains Elementary in Timberville.  At Mountain View Elementary improvements included the addition of a new sidewalk, curb & gutter, ADA curb cuts with associated crosswalks, signing and pavement markings, and the installation of pedestrian signals at the Erickson Avenue and Rawley Springs (Rt. 33) intersection.
In Timberville, the improvements included a five-foot concrete sidewalk, curb and gutter improvements, and a stream crossing along American Legion Drive. Other improvements included curb ramps, crosswalk pavement and sign installation, high visibility crosswalk markings, and flashing school beacons installed at the school entrance.

Safe Routes to Schools is a federally-funded program administered by the Virginia Department of Transportation designed to encourage kindergarten through 8th grade students to walk or bike to school by creating a safer and more appealing transportation alternative through biking and walking.  Other SRTS program goals are to improve safety and reduce traffic, fuel consumption, and air pollution in the vicinity of schools.  CSPDC staff assisted the County and the Town with grant administration and project management for these two SRTS projects.”

~ Central Shenandoah PDC

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