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Friday, January 17, 2014

VDOT official to Isle of Wight Board: U.S. 460 project "refocused," not delayed

Isle of Wight
“A Department of Transportation official told the Isle of Wight Board of Supervisors on Thursday that the U.S. 460 project was being refocused, not suspended entirely.

The project, a new 55-mile stretch of divided highway slated to be built along the route of the existing 460, has had permitting issues since the Army Corps of Engineers and the Federal Highway Administration ordered additional study of the impact the project would have on area wetlands in October 2013. The study was ordered when it became clear that previous estimates of the amount of wetland area impacted were substantially lower than the agencies were seeing out in the field.

The Virginia Department of Transportation project manager for the new 460 improvement, Philip Rinehart, told the board the study is projected to be completed by August or September.”
~Writes the Ryan Murphyof the Daily Press

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