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Sunday, January 26, 2014

Tidewater toll revisions criticized

Hampton Roads
“Critics of the proposed Hampton Roads tolls are unsatisfied by the new governor’s initiatives reducing – and in some cases eliminating — those tolls, which are scheduled to take effect Feb. 1. This past week Gov. Terry McAuliffe announced the Downtown and Midtown Tunnels would not charge tolls to emergency vehicles. Earlier he also said the Commonwealth Transportation Board determined passenger-car-peak-period tolls would be reduced from $1.84 to $1 each way.

However, members of Citizens for Accountability in Politics Political Action Committee, an organization concerning itself with Hampton Roads issues, say the tolls are fundamentally unfair because they were imposed by unelected officials. The tolls are the result of a private-public partnership between the Virginia Department of Transportation and Elizabeth River Crossings, which is described in a press release as the ‘private partner of VDOT for the design, construction, finance, operations and maintenance of the Elizabeth River Tunnels Project.’ CAPPAC challenged the tolls in circuit court and won, but ultimately lost on appeal to the Supreme Court of Virginia.”
~Writes Lauren McLellan of the Tidewater News

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