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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Motorists still confused about Opal intersection

Fauquier County
“Virginia taxpayers spent $45 million on the interchange to ease congestion in Opal. Now, if transportation officials can just get Route 17 southbound motorists to use the big circle that loops from Routes 15/29 just down the road from Pete’s Park ’n’ Eat.

Engineers designed the project to dramatically reduce the number of left turns at the Opal stoplight. More than 40,000 vehicles a day pass through that intersection. After the interchange opened Nov. 11, the Virginia Department of Transportation eliminated one of two left turn lanes for southbound Route 17 traffic.

Despite electronic and static signs about the change, confusion among motorists made the busy intersection even more dangerous as the new traffic pattern took effect."
~Writes Lawrence Emerson of Faquier Now

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