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Friday, January 31, 2014

Bus loop eyed for Freezeland Road area

Warren County:
“A rural part of Warren County may soon get a place for parents to drop off and pick up school-aged children. The Board of Supervisors last week voted to accept a deed of a gift from the Board of Game and Inland Fisheries for approximately 3.19 acres of land on Freezeland Road. The county proposes to build a commuter parking lot with a bus loop for students. The facility would serve primarily the Shenandoah Farms and Blue Mountain communities.

County Administrator Douglas Stanley said Thursday that construction of the facility may not happen for another one to three years. The county needs to set aside funds to build the facility that Stanley said would compare to one it operates in Linden Park. Once the transfer of the property goes through, Stanley said the county would move forward on designing the facility. The county would need approval from the Virginia Department of Transportation for the design. The Planning Commission also would need to approve the site as a park.”
~Writes Alex Bridges of Northern Virginia Daily

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