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Friday, January 31, 2014

VDOT considers truck ban for Occoquan

Town of Occoquan:
“The GPS programs in some big rigs are telling drivers that cutting through Occoquan between Va. 123 and Old Bridge Road is a great way to save some time. ‘I’ve lost count of the number of times I have had to go out there and help 18-wheelers that have gotten stuck or have figured out this is not the best way to go,’ said Occoquan Mayor Earnie Porta who lives on Washington Street. He has had to help them back up on the road or wave off traffic. He even found a truck in a narrow alley where trucks are already prohibited. ‘Several times those big truckers have shown me their GPS units are telling them to cut through town to get to Old Bridge Road,’ he said.

The Virginia Department of Transportation is considering restrictions on through trucks along Occoquan Road/Washington Street and Tanyard Hill Road and has posted signs on the roads soliciting comment.
Occoquan and Tanyard Hill roads connect the town of Occoquan to Old Bridge Road in Lake Ridge. The initiative came from VDOT, but Porta said at some point in the past he remembers VDOT asking the town council for its opinion. It supports the restriction.”
~Writes Aileen Streng of InsideNova

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