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Friday, January 31, 2014

SCC Examiner Rejects Greenway Toll Challenge

Loudoun County:
“The efforts to lower toll rates on the Dulles Greenway took a hit yesterday, with the State Corporation Commission’s hearing examiner rejecting the case that stemmed from a complaint by Del. David Ramadan (R-87). In the 67-page report, Hearing Examiner A. Ann Bekrebile finds she ‘had no authority to reduce tolls,’ relying, it appears, on a 2008 amendment to the original law governing the Greenway. The amendment was authored by then-Sen. Mark Herring to provide for limited annual toll increases.

‘I disagree with the Examiners ruling,’ Ramadan said in a statement Thursday night. ‘I do not believe that Senator Herring’s intent was to limit the SCC’s power to regulate tolls. And I do not believe that the current law does that. But the process is not over, I fully intend to ask the Commission to reject the Report and reconsider the logic of the Hearing Examiner.’

There is some hope for residents still hoping to see a less costly toll road running through Loudoun. The examiner's report included the potential for partial relief, with a recommendation that the SCC order the Greenway's operator to conduct a distance based toll price study, which is something the organization has resisted in years past saying the cost of installing distance pricing is cost prohibitive.”
~Writes Erika Jacobson Moore of Leesburg Today

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