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Thursday, January 9, 2014

Three bridges on 2014 fix list

Rappahannock County
“Rappahannock County is getting in shape for 2014, as the supervisors approved three bridge replacements… The first bridge scheduled is one McCarthy said is ‘pretty far up Harris Hollow’ on Route 622. Nesbit said the bridge currently has an efficiency rating of only 53.9, but will be a relatively quick repair and likely only be closed ‘for about a week.’

The second to-be-replaced bridge on Route 622 is located on Rock Mills Road and crosses over the Covington River, and will be a bit more substantial — requiring it to be closed for one to three weeks. Both replacements are scheduled for the summer, McCarthy noted.

The third and final bridge is on Fodderstack Road, just beyond the Washington town borders. Nesbit said the replacement will likely be the most time-consuming of three, and require residents to take a detour for two to three weeks. Repairs are scheduled for the fall, McCarthy noted, somewhat dismayed, which will also require a bus rerouting if the project isn’t handled over the summer. All three repairs were approved unanimously, 5-0.”
~Writes Matt Wingfield of the Rappahannock News

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