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Thursday, January 23, 2014

King Street bike lanes brake for an appeal

City of Alexandria
“The battle over installing less than a mile of bike lanes on Alexandria’s King Street will go into spring, after city officials announced Wednesday that they will allow public hearings on the controversy in February and March.

Bicyclists and residents have squared off over the plan to narrow the busy traffic lanes on a residential portion of King Street in order to accommodate bike lanes. The proposal has been in the works since last summer, but residents objected to losing parking spots in front of their houses while bicyclists said the existing road is dangerous to use.

Last month, Alexandria’s transportation director Rich Baier announced that a compromise plan would go forward. That plan calls for full bike lanes part of the way, and street markings that indicate bikes, cars, buses and trucks will share existing traffic lanes the rest of the way.”
~Writes the Patricia Sullivan of the Washington Post

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