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Sunday, May 4, 2014

Residents seek ‘completion’ of E. High for safety, development

City of Charlottesville:
“Charlottesville develops a new bike and pedestrian plan, some residents who live off East High Street near the Rivanna River want planners to address obstacles to non-motorized access to the rest of the city.

Jessie Chapman’s home on Hazel Street in eastern Charlottesville is less than a mile away from restaurants in Belmont or on the Downtown Mall, but the architect said incomplete sidewalks prevent her from feeling like she lives in a ‘walkable’ city. ‘We are within walking distance, but we just don’t have a safe route,’ Chapman said.

In February, the City Council adopted a policy calling for ‘complete streets,’ meaning redevelopment should include new sidewalks, bike lanes, street-trees and other amenities.”
~Writes Sean Tubbs of Charlottesville Tomorrow

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