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Thursday, May 1, 2014

Loudoun Supervisors Eye Federal Funds For Park-And-Ride Lots

Loudoun County:
“The Board of Supervisors is interested in using federal funds to pay for the development of four park-and-ride lots in the county. Supervisors last week directed county staff members to submit an application for the 2014 Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery, or TIGER, grant program.

According to County Administrator Tim Hemstreet, the minimum TIGER grant amount is $10 million, which prompted the staff to include four different park-and-ride lots in the application. All grant funds must be used by FY21. Consideration was given to apply for money to purchase buses or construct Prentice Drive between the two planned Metro stops in Loudoun, but both were ultimately rejected. If the county had received federal funds for the buses, the entire system would become ‘federalized,’ requiring compliance with a number of federal regulations and procurement processes, supervisors were told.”
~Writes Erika Jacobson Moore of Leesburg Today

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