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Monday, March 10, 2014

Belmont Bridge replacement designs previewed

City of Charlottesville:
“Charlottesville officials have two new design concepts to mull as replacements for the Belmont Bridge. Local engineers from MMM Design presented the options Friday to a city design task force. The bridge proposals feature bike lanes and wide sidewalks and would provide space for new development.

‘The things that we heard at that meeting were to try to make the bridge shorter, keep it two lanes, integrate bike and pedestrian use well, and to try to bring the buildings along the street up to create a street edge in the future,’ said Jim Tolbert, the city’s director of Neighborhood Development Services.

The new work is the latest in a process that dates back to November 2010, when a design effort to replace the existing 1960s-era structure began. The Commonwealth Transportation Board has allocated $14.5 million to replace the bridge, which carries Route 20 over two city roads and railroad tracks. The original design created by MMM Design was not well received by some in the Belmont neighborhood, but fell within parameters laid out by the city.”
~Writes Charlottesville Tomorrow

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