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Saturday, May 10, 2014

Williamsburg budget lays ground work for roads projects

City of Williamsburg:
“Included in the city's proposed fiscal 2015 budget is a slew of road projects that will eventually cost millions but start far more modestly. The total fiscal 2015 budget increases 1.45 percent over 2014, to a total of $50.4 million. Included in that is a $6.49 million capital budget funded primarily through a 1 percent sales tax.

City officials are looking at two big roads projects in the capital budget over the next few years, although neither will be built right away. The first would widen Ironbound Road between Richmond Road and Depue Drive to three lanes, at a cost of $3.5 million, according to the proposed budget. The project includes installing two left-hand turn lanes from Ironbound to Richmond Road, and shifting the intersection of Longhill Road to the west, presumably cutting closer to the front of WJC Schools Central Office at James Blair.

Officials originally believed it would pay to widen Ironbound using grant funds that required a 2 percent match (plus a 50 percent match for underground wiring), but funds dried up in 2010 and won't be again available until 2018, pushing the advertising date for the project to 2021.

In the meantime, the proposed budget includes $50,000 for early planning. The 2015 budget includes a similar $50,000 for preliminary planning at the intersection of Capitol Landing Road at Bypass Road.”
~Writes Cortney Langley of The Virginia Gazette

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