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Monday, March 31, 2014

Crews Mark City's First Buffered Bike Lanes on Rose Hill Drive

“Extra space will separate drivers from bicyclists on one stretch of street in Charlottesville. City crews are marking out the new buffered bike lanes on Rose Hill Drive. They'll be the first in Charlottesville. Striped pavement markings will create a buffer between the car traffic and bike lanes between Preston and Madison avenues. The city hopes cyclists will feel safer with that extra room.

‘The design for bike lanes has really evolved, and we're really excited we're able to implement something like this in our city. What it is basically is a three-foot buffer that provides extra breathing room between cars and bikes on the road,’ said Amanda Poncy, Charlottesville bicycle and pedestrian coordinator.

The city reminds drivers that the same rules of the road apply in the buffered zones - that includes always looking for and yielding to cyclists. Work will continue on Rose Hill through the week.”

~ Reports nbc29
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